I'm listing this blog site as one of my sites cause its not just one person who writes blogs, it's the community. I put this blog site on my list since it keeps me informed of all the games that are coming out, already out, and reviewed. I go to this site daily just to keep an eye out for certain video game news like Street Fighter or God of War. This site is really good site for gamers and gamers alike.
This site is my second choice cause I like to watch movies when I have a good feeling it is going to be awesome. When I feel like I need the right opinion for a movie i go here to check the movie out.
Now this blog is about food and to be more precise, food in the bay area. Sometimes its hard to find a good place to eat when you have a busy schedule or you barely go out to eat. This seems good for those who want to get something good to eat.
This blog site is another gamer site, but its more author based rather than an open community. Plus this blog is more based on strictly video games so its more along my alley. Also, the author of the site broadcasts on a site called justin.tv where he talks about games and random life situations. All in all this site is pretty good.
Now this site is not only a vlog but is also a blog. Wong Fu is a popular youtube production where three Asians, Philip, Ted, Wes, all make independent videos that base on life and situation in the world today. They have made some really memorable shorts, music videos, and vlogs. Wong Fu productions still make videos today and are really popular with the young generation. I really recommend this blog site to anyone who haven't heard of Wong Fu productions
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